Paid Subscriptions
There is currently a single paid subscription type, see details below. The cost is £24 for 12 months, which works out to just £2 per month.
In return for your subscription fee you will be able to:
- Receive the weekly show entries closing reminder email.
- Record the breed & handling classes that you are interested in searching for. For example, if you take part in junior handling with your siberian husky then you can store 'Junior Handling' and 'Siberian Husky' in the 'My Breed Classes' section of your profile and in the show list select to view only shows where "My Breeds" classes have been scheduled. Please note, this would not include shows with AV or AVNSC classes where you would be able to enter your siberian husky. You may also choose to search by any other individual breed.
- If you have recorded any breed & handling classes the weekly show entries closing reminder email will highlight any shows that have scheduled classes for your breed(s).
- When viewing details of a show all scheduled breed classes for that show are listed.
- Additional filter options when viewing Show List or Show Map
- Choose number of results shown per page in the Show List
- Show Map - show all shows that meet your selection criteria on a map.
- Show Society List - a list of website links for show societies held in the database.
- iCal Calendar export - create a customised iCal format calendar file which can be imported into a number of calendar applications such as Google Calendar and Microsoft Outlook. Options are available to select calendar entries by show type, to include or exclude entry closing dates and to optionally set reminders.
- No advertising will be displayed on the website pages.
Please click the subscribe button below and complete the Paypal payment process. Once we have received payment and completed your registration we will send you an email confirming your subscription - please allow up to 48 hours for this as it is currently a manual process.
If you have registered on Dog Show Central with a different email address and/or name than will be used for making payment please email us with your registered email address and payment reference so that we can activate your subscription.
If you have previously used the subscribe button above and now wish to unsubscribe, please click the button below.